Therese Daxner
...is a specialist in life cycle assessment & environmental engineer (more…)
Adolf Merl
...is a civil engineer specialised in sustainable construction and LCA (more…)about us
A Vienna-based consultancy, Daxner & Merl offer strategic consulting services for corporate and product sustainability, sustainability reporting (CSR, greenhouse gas reporting), environmental communication and sustainable construction.
Therefore, life cycle assessment (LCA) represents our central tool.
Our services rely on up-to-date data and are oriented towards the newest standards and regulations. Applied methodologies reflect state of the art in science and innovation.
As a result, we provide the metrics for
your strategic decisions
effective marketing
your preparation for regulatory changes
quantification and identification of your organisation’s, product’s and buidling’s potentials.
Daxner & Merl offers a unique combination of life-cycle related expert services. Especially when it comes to the construction sector, we support you from cradle-to-grave including the production of construction products, their assembly in the building-context, the use as well as recycling potentials at end of life. Ranging from services such as the creation of environmental product declarations (EPDs), the sustainability certificate of your building to customised solutions, we apply innovative tools and state of the art knowledge.
Since founding Daxner & Merl in 2015, we – Adolf Merl & Therese Daxner – stand for partnerships on eye-level based on high-quality consulting services. Our actions reflect our common set of basic values including fairness, mutual appreciation, tolerance, confidence and independence.
Corporate responsibility means for us
- our contribution to conquer the challenges of our time with the help of our holistic consulting approach
- minimisation of our environmental footprint
- a fair economic framework
- respectful partnerships with all stakeholders independent of culture, religion, sex or ideology
- continuous communication and discussion of pressing developments including potential solutions (teaching, workshops and private life)
We are calling for actual improvement based on a holistic systems approach reflecting entire value chains/life cycles.
Therefore, we use science-based metrics and instruments such as life cycle assessment to translate latest scientific findings to your business. Thus, we deliver comprehensive answers to many of the pressing topics of our time, because…
“if you do not look at the whole life-cycle implications, it is too easy to get it wrong.”
Paul Ekins (09.2018, free quote)