LCA | carbon footprint
Life cycle assessment enables you to holistically manage your environmental impacts. (more…)![EPD](https://www.daxner-merl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/graphic-2.png)
environmental product declarations for your product (more…)![environmental protection](https://www.daxner-merl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/plant-with-leaves.png)
environmental management
Implementing environmental protection with suitable management systems (ISO 14001, EMAS), labels (ÖUZ),…![](https://www.daxner-merl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/building.png)
sustainable buildings
We are specialised in sustainable construction. (more…)![](https://www.daxner-merl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/medal-1.png)
building certification
Promoting an integral planning process, we support you in building certification (DGNB,…![](https://www.daxner-merl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/graphic.png)
strategy & reporting
We offer customised solutions and workshops for your sustainability strategy and reporting…who we are
Therese Daxner
...is a specialist in life cycle assessment & environmental engineer (more…)![](https://www.daxner-merl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Adolf-Merl-Homepage-360x460.jpg)
Adolf Merl
...is a civil engineer specialised in sustainable construction and LCA (more…)news
Retten wir das Klima: CO2-Bilanz messen und verbessern
Unter dem Motto „Retten wir das Klima: CO2-Bilanz messen und verbessern“ ging der respACT-Unternehmertreff am 16. Mai 2019 im Waldviertel über die Bühne.
One step ahead in climate action: Daxner & Merl, 1st Austrian consultancy with science-based climate targets!
Daxner & Merl is the first Austrian consultancy with science-based targets for climate protection.
Nachhaltige Schule: Raum für gute Lernatmosphäre im BORG Oberndorf
Nachhaltige Bildungsbauten: Der Stadtgemeinde Oberndorf ist mit dem BORG Oberndorf ein wegweisendes Projekt in Punkto Nachhaltigkeit, ausgezeichnet mit dem DGNB-Gütesiegel in Platin, gelungen.